HAAGE & PARTNER NEWS January, 1998

Storm products are now ready for PowerPC programming

Over the course of the last year and a half we have been preparing our development system for PowerPC-programming. Now that StormPowerASM is finished we can offer you all the necessary tools: StormC for PowerPC, StormPowerASM and WarpUP. This combination provides the programmer with a total package for porting existing software to the new PowerPC based Amigas. The process is simple, quick and efficient.

Together with the visual GUI-editor, StormWizard and with StormC for p.OS; the Storm development system allows you to easily create powerful program interfaces and to support the alternative p.OS operating system.

Thus the Storm product line places the most modern development tools directly in the hand's of the programmer. It also offers great flexibility for supporting all possibilities for future Amiga development.

StormPowerASM for PowerPC

The latest member of the Storm family is StormPowerASM, a PowerPC-assembler for Amiga computers. It supports the entire PowerPC instruction set and on top of that offers several hundred extended mnemonics that make programming easier and greatly increase source code readability. It has outstanding macro-abilities and the support of floating-point expressions and -operators prove the high level of this new PowerPC programming system.
The documentation describes programming the PowerPC. A list of all macros and directives (featuring extensive descriptions) is also part of the documentation, as well as detailed information on our hardware-layer.

StormC 3.0 for PowerPC

For some time now the PowerPC add-on for StormC has been available. This enables you to flexibly program the dual-processor boards by phase5 and any future PowerPC-boards. With the extended hunk-format (EHF); mixed-binaries, fat-binaries, and even PowerPC-native shared-libraries can be created. The task of porting already existing software is greatly simplified by this. Investing in this powerful add-on will pay off in almost no time because it saves you a lot of work.

WarpUP for PowerPC

There is one question software houses are currently asking themselves: does it pay to port a program to the PowerPC? What makes the right decision easier is a software-interface to the hardware which enables PowerPC-software to use future PowerPC-developments from Amiga Inc. or third parties without having to modify the software. This is exactly what WarpUP offers. Through the use of a so-called hardware-abstraction-layer (HAL) WarpUP places a layer between the hardware and the user-applications. This layer enables PowerPC-software
to function with any PowerPC-hardware. For every software house this is the starting gun into a new era of PowerPC-development on the Amiga.

StormC 3.0 now also for 68k AmigaOS

The most important feature of this version is the new project assistant which makes putting together a project with all source code modules and libraries a matter of a few mouse clicks. The updated StormED is now able to manage bookmarks and offers a better way to individually extend the syntax dictionary. In the debugger, the resource-tracking has been improved and the disassembler now is faster, better and more Motorola compliant. The entire instruction set and all addressing modes of the 68k CPUs are supported. This makes the debugging even of hand-written assembly routines and ROM code much easier.

StormWizard 2.2 for AmigaOS and p.OS

The new version of the visual GUI editor has been completely re-worked. Almost all objects are now displayed significantly faster. On top of that a new compatibility mode ensures that interfaces created using StormWizard can be modified by tools such as VisualPrefs. The fully developed functions of StormWizard 2.2 allow easy and quick creation of complex interfaces which then can be used with AmigaOS and p.OS

Order your update now from your local dealer or at us:

Mainzer Straße 10A
61191 Rosbach

Phone: +49 06007 930050
Fax: +49 06007 7543

E-mail: info@haage-partner.com
Web: www.haage-partner.com

HAAGE & PARTNER is the leading manufacturer of Development Systems and Applications for the Amiga family of computers. The Storm series (StormC, StormWizard, StormPowerASM) for 68K AmigaOS, PowerPC (PowerUP) and p.OS provide a powerful suite of programming tools. Our latest project is MERAPI, which will bring the power of JAVA to the Amiga.
HAAGE & PARTNER is also the developer and/or distributor of several cutting edge applications including: ArtEffect, PowerEffects, EasyWriter, DrawStudio, Tornado3D and NetConnect. Our mission is to provide the Amiga market with the most effective tools and applications possible. It's not enough to just ask: "Where do you want to go?" At Haage & Partner weare harnessing the power of the Amiga to actually help get you there!

HAAGE & PARTNER Computer GmbH, PO Box 80, 61191 Rosbach, Germany
Phone: +49 - 6007 - 930050, Fax: +49 - 6007 - 7543
Email: info@haage-partner.com Intenet: http://www.haage-partner.com
We develop to PowerUp the Amiga!